Ist to VIIIth


 Icon_BlueBullet Mathematics

SK SUMAN EDUCATION POINT offers support for Mathematics for classes Istth to VIIIth curriculum ,based on the Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation System,

The aims of  this program are as follows:

  • Inculcate a habit of regular study as per schedule
    Identify weak concepts in these subjects.
  • Improve on the identified weak concepts.
  • Build a strong foundation for grades VIIIth to Xth
  • Be familiar with exam writing strategies

The main objectives of this program is to make the students able to :-

  • know and demonstrate understanding of the concepts from the five branches of mathematics. (number, algebra, geometry and trigonometry, statistics and probability, and discrete mathematics)
  • use appropriate mathematical concepts and skills to solve problems in both familiar and unfamiliar situations including those in real-life contexts
  • select and apply general rules correctly to solve problems including those in real-life contexts.
  • select and apply appropriate inquiry and mathematical problem-solving techniques
  • recognize patterns
  • describe patterns as relationships or general rules
  • draw conclusions consistent with findings
  • justify or prove mathematical relationships and general rules.
  • use appropriate mathematical language (notation, symbols, terminology) in both oral and written explanations
  • use different forms of mathematical representation (formulae, diagrams, tables, charts, graphs and models)
  • move between different forms of representation.
  • explain whether their results make sense in the context of the problem
  • explain the importance of their findings
  • justify the degree of accuracy of their results where appropriate
  • suggest improvements to the method when necessary.

The course offered includes entire support study material, worksheets and tests.

Icon_BlueBullet Science

The aims and objectives of Teaching Science in SK SUMAN EDUCATION POINT is for :-

  • Arousing and maintaining interest in nature and in the physical and social environment and its sources.
  • Developing the habit of observation, exploration, classification and systematic way of thinking.
  • Developing the child’s powers of manipulative, creative and inventive faculties.
  • Inculcation of habits of healthy
  • Developing the ability to reach generalisation and to apply them for solving every problem.
  • Understanding the impact of science upon the way of life.
  • Developing interest in scientific hobbies.
  • Inspiring children by stories about scientists and their discoveries.

Icon_BlueBullet English

The aims and objectives of Teaching English are to :-

  • Learn the basics of the English language that would form the foundation for its mastery in the future
  • use the basic structures of English sentences
  • learn the core vocabulary assigned for this stage
  • listen to and understand simple English
  • express themselves orally using simple English
  • read and understand simple written English materials
  • write simple guided sentences in English
  • develop an awareness of the importance of the English language as an international mean of communication

Icon_BlueBullet Social Studies

Social Studies teaches children their roles and responsibilities particularly in relation to social and civic affairs. It helps students develop critical thinking abilities, prepares them to participate competently and productively as concerned citizens and teaches them to address societal and global concerns using literature, technology and other identifiable community resources. Social studies include history, geography, political science, sociology, economics and civics and it is an integral part in ensuring well-rounded education.

Icon_BlueBullet Civic Competence 

Social studies educates students on citizenship, providing them with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help students to become competent and responsible citizens who are informed, thoughtful, participate in their community and exhibit moral and civic virtues.

Icon_BlueBullet Critical Thinking

Social studies education teaches students about history and enables them to understand how society has evolved. It places a strong emphasis on important and enduring ideas, events and personalities that affect peoples’ lives. The subject not only offers students a strong knowledge content base, but it also helps them develop an ability to think critically about societal issues and learn how to address them based on their understanding of social values.

Icon_BlueBullet Social Understanding

The subject also includes the study of the interrelationship among people, as well as the relationship between them and their environment. This allows students to develop an understanding of society and the human condition. It creates awareness in students of the diversity and interdependence of the world and helps them to recognize the challenges and benefits of living in a world with multiple cultures and ideologies. For example, learning about the multi-cultural Indian society helps students understand democracy, rights and freedoms and the need to balance the various values, cultures and ideologies to have a balanced and peaceful co-existence.

Icon_BlueBullet Integrating Ideas

Social studies involves a number of subjects including history, geography and economics. Students learn how to integrate ideas from different disciplines to come up with reasoned decisions, and to make the connections between related concepts and ideas so that they are better able to identify problems affecting society. For example, investigating poverty in society requires knowledge in history, economics and politics. Students have to make the connection between ideas such as discrimination, resource allocation and political priorities to make sense of how poverty affects certain populations in the country.

Icon_BlueBullet Hindi

Hindi is the second most spoken language in the world after Mandarin Chinese. It’s estimated that nearly half a billion people worldwide speak this wonderful language. The importance of Hindi is one of the many languages in India that is considered to be the national and official language of the northern parts of India. It is the language of the masses particularly in North India and also of general communication and official language of our country. The Kautilya Institute provides  detailed information about :

  1. Origin and development of Hindi language.
  2. Objectives of teaching Hindi at elementary & secondary levels.
  3. Role of Hindi as a link language in India.

The teacher also uses  certain methods to teach non-Hindi students in a proper way like:-

  1. Translation method
  2. Play way method
  3. Direct method & Structural approach

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